A word to the wise about Warrior Plus
There are many affiliate marketers who go to Warrior Plus hoping to find success promoting other people’s products, but sadly many fail to get approved. Or, if they get approved, simply fail to sell. These 10 tips will help you succeed where other fail.
However, before I give you the 10 tips a quick bit of advice for those starting out on Warrior Plus.
1: Complete your profile, I can’t tell you how many requests I deny because the profile is blank.
2: When requesting approval to promote, be honest and provide evidence. So many times I get a cut and paste request that says something like:
“I have been doing Affiliate Marketing for 7 years. I have $50k in sales and a list of seven thousand” Yet when I check their profile they have no sales recorded in their profile. They offer no url, Facebook page, or YouTube channel that shows how they have been promoting.
So take the time to tell the vendor why they should approve you. And if you are just starting out, say so and be prepared for rejections.
If you need to get your first few approvals to promote products, and are willing to undergo some training and pass a review, then I recommend Darren Brown’s training and approval system.
Check it out here https://tonyandtanyasimms.com/approvedtopromote/
1: Build Your List!
You don’t have to wait for approval to start building a list that you can sell to. In fact you must have a list if you are make money as an affiliate marketer.
List building should occur from the very first day of your affiliate business, so if you have not yet started this task, take a break from whatever it is you’re working on and implement it today.
The process is simple, but you must apply yourself diligently to implementing the process consistently.
1: Identify your niche (who you will be selling to)
2: Identify their pain points (what issue do they have that they will pay to get an answer to)
3: Create a lead magnet (something of value that will appeal to your audience and that answers at least some of their pain points)
4: Identify your paid for content (the thing you will ask them to pay for that provides the full solution)
5: Promote your lead magnet (use social posts, solo ads, paid for advertising to get offer your free lead magnet
6: Collect your lead’s contact details (phone, messenger id, or email etc.)
7: Contact them to present your paid for offer ( don’t just send sales emails, try writing a review of the product, a video of you using it or other way to build up trust)
Get your list set up using a tool like Aweber or GetResponse and make sure that every time you email your new subscribers, you are providing value to them, even if you are promoting a product in the Warrior Plus marketplace.
2: Check for patterns in the Warrior Plus bestseller’s list
There are different ways that you can evaluate products you want to promote. Evaluating products so that you can be confident they fir your target audience will help you increase your profits.
The first is to look for patterns in the Warrior Plus Top Seller’s list.
Check for products that are being talked about, or selling well, savvy online entrepreneurs will jump at the chance to release products in that same area as the trend peaks. For example, if one product on email marketing does well, you may see many others pop up on the Top Sellers list.
The first product might be a tool that helps people build their list and send emails out. Then, you may see another vendor release a product with 100 swipe emails. A third product might be some sort of tool or software that embeds video into your email with a clickable affiliate hyperlink.
And then someone else may come along and develop a launch with dozens of private label rights lead magnets you can use to attract subscribers and articles you can use as your autoresponders.
When you spot a pattern like this emerging in the warrior plus marketplace, you instantly know that consumers are sitting up and paying attention to this topic. You can create individual product reviews, or you can leverage this pattern and create a blog post or email that gives you the potential to promote all of the products you feel are worthy in that Top Sellers list.
For example, you could write a blog post titled, “5 Ways to Hit the Ground Running with Email Marketing.” In that post, you could teach people tips and give advice about things that are important with email marketing – such as freeing up time by being able to queue up posts for later publication, having readymade content to lighten your workload, enjoying the ability to use a multimedia approach in your emails, etc.
Then, as you introduce each strategy or topic, you could link out to a product on Warrior Plus that would provide the solution for that particular issue. If one section talked about how half of the consumers prefer video over text, and you know of a way to cater to those individuals with a video embedding tool, they would expect you to share the solution.
Your readers may not take you up on every single one of the recommendations you make in an article like this. However, you will be able to expose them to a variety of problems and solutions so that they can choose which would be a best fit for their needs.
3: Use the Warrior Plus Affiliate Contest Search Function
Warrior Plus has a fantastic search feature available to affiliate marketers where you can go to an affiliate contest page to see all of the launches where you can earn additional money for your promotions.
When you click on this page, you have the option to specifically search for a contest according to the title or keyword or vendor name and sort it by those factors, as well as the start date, end date, and type of contest that is being hosted.
Many affiliates pay no attention to whether or not a product launch has a contest associated with it. As long as the product is a good deal and a quality creation for their subscribers, they will promote regardless of the potential for added prize money.
However, it’s not unwise to use this function whenever you are specifically working on a strategy to increase your earnings. As long as the other factors are met, meaning the product you are promoting would be beneficial to your target audience, searching for a contest is an added perk for you that doesn’t put the customer at risk.
You will see the offers that have a contest associated with it presented by the offer name and vendor first, followed by the name of the contest, the type of contest, and the start and end date.
Sometimes, the name of the contest will give you an idea of what strategy should be used to dominate in it. For example, if it is called, “mid contest” you would assume that this contest is in the middle of the launch phase, when sales typically tend to begin slacking off and the vendor wants to boost sales.
If you see something like this, you might want to wait to email your promotion until the day the contest begins, rather than at the very beginning when they may have a speed contest for the first 24 hours.
You may also see something called, “48 Hours Closing Contest.” while you may not want to wait until the last two days of the launch to send out an email, since you may miss out on a lot of sales two competitors, you might be able to strategically dominate a contest like this by coming up with a bonus specifically for your buyers that you will announced during the last two days.
In this case, you would still allow the original buyers to have access to the bonus, but this is just a new perk that you will be presenting to hopefully help your prospective buyers determine that the additional value is worth getting over any obstacles they had that were making them sit on the fence.
Next, you will be able to increase your increase your income strategically by looking at the type of contest listed. For example, if the contest is for the total revenue, then it may pay for you to push the upgrade offers heavily so that your total sales number is higher than that of other affiliates.
You may also see a contest being listed as based on the number of buyers you send or the number of sales you generate. In this case, you can learn less then another affiliate whose customers purchased the upgrades, because the contest will be based on how many people purchased the front end offer.
Keep in mind that if the vendor allows affiliate teams, you may be up against competitors who will easily overpower you in a contest simply because they each have a list of subscribers to send through their link.
Pay attention to the start and end dates, as well as the exact times so that you can queue up your emails to be sent out in a way that creates a sense of urgency for the subscriber to take action.
4: Use the Warrior Plus Launch Calendar
If you want to plan your promotions ahead of time, or even implement a launch jacking strategy, you will want to use the launch calendar that Warrior Plus has built into their system.
Whenever a vendor schedules a launch, it shows up on this calendar with a link to the affiliate sign up page. This is another place where you can typically spot patterns for other marketers’ launches.
You will be able to see the name of the product launch as well as the vendor that will be releasing it. This allows you to begin networking with that individual on social media networks so that you can possibly secure more information or even a review copy for the launch ahead of time.
Another place to go to find advance notice of launches and to connect with vendors is Muncheye
Every month, about 150 JVZoo, Clickbank, and W+ products are advertised on the site. Its free to join and easy to search for launches in your niche.
Particularly in the early days, taking time to prepare for the launch will pay dividends. You can have your entire email sequence set out in advance. You can create a bonus pack to offer to those that buy via your link. (Buys love bonuses!!). Preparing these things in advance, and letting the creator know when you apply to promote will greatly increase your chances of being accepted.
5: Sign Up to Promote Recurring Payment Products
One way you can level up with your earnings as an affiliate on Warrior Plus (or anywhere for that matter) is to not only look for one time Commission offers, but to sort the available offers to see which ones have recurring commissions.
When you go to the affiliate offers page to find all of the listings in the marketplace, you will see an icon in the filter area to search for recurring offers only. When you click that button, it weeds out all of the one-time commission products and shows you those that will help you earn again and again.
Sometimes, the vendors will have a low cost front end product with recurring income that makes it a no brainer for consumers to purchase. This is helpful to you because it puts them into the funnel, where you can then earn on the upsells.
While the low front-end recurring commission may not seem like a lot as a new affiliate marketer, as your experience and list grows, that small, recurring payment can add up to quite a bit week after week or month after month.
6: Create Bonuses That Help You Gain Commissions
Bonus development can help you increase your affiliate earnings significantly. Many consumers are in the habit of bonus shopping before they buy any digital downloadable product.
If you can come up with competitive bonuses, you’ll be able to scale up your conversions and commissions. Your bonus may or may not need to be significant to sway someone to give you the sale.
In many cases, other affiliates won’t bother putting together a bonus at all – or it’ll be a bonus the product creator is allowing all affiliates to use, so it’s not unique or impressive.
You want to either create a bonus from scratch, outsource it to a quality ghostwriter, or use private label rights (PLR) that you tweak to put forth something that’s different from most other affiliates.
If you use PLR make sure that is of good quality and that you have the rights to fully rebrand it. (Always rebrand PLR)
Make sure your bonus fits in with the original product. For example, if the product is about list building, you could provide 10 HTML lead magnet templates, or an article on how to create a lead magnet transition page.
You can also promise to do in-depth, over-the-shoulder case studies of the product for those who also want to implement the action steps, but worry that they’ll get stuck or struggle along the way.
7: Get Review Copies and Conduct a Case Study
In order to conduct a true review, and not just promote a product you have only read about, you’ll want to try to secure a review copy of the product. Ideally, you’ll be able to get your hands on it before the launch.
This will not only allow you to vet it for quality for your audience, but it will help you spot problem areas that a bonus would solve – and let you create a case study, either as part of your promotion posts or as a private, password-protected bonus for those who buy through your link.
In order to get most vendors to give you a review copy, you will need to have some statistics that show you are a true affiliate and not just a consumer trying to get a freebie.
This is something that a few customers have tried to do over the years, which leaves a sour taste in the mouth of the vendor. Therefore, many of them are skeptical whenever someone asks for a review copy.
All you need to do to put their mind at ease, is explain to them why you want to review and promote their product, why you think your followers or subscribers will appreciate it, and how you want to promote it so that they know you’re not going to engage in spam tactics.
Warrior Plus has an area where you can add comments whenever you submit a request to promote a product. You can enter your email address and a note about where they can contact you and send the review copy if they are so inclined.
However if you cant get a review copy contact the vendor and ask to buy an advance copy (the investment will be worthwhile).
8: Check Out a Warrior Plus Vendor’s Reputation
Affiliate marketing is not good for those who are willing to promote anything and everything. While you may be able to make a quick buck, you will often have it revoked by dissatisfied customers who purchased the product through your link, and did not see the value in it.
If your goal is to scale your earnings, you can’t just look at what you can do to increase conversions. That is part of the equation, but the other part is that you have to work on diminishing refunds and chargebacks.
If you continually promote products that people refund, that will show up in your statistics as an affiliate, causing future quality vendors to decline your request to promote for them.
Even if the problem was with the vendor’s products, it will appear as if you are sending junk traffic to the offer. Explaining that the traffic was targeted correctly still doesn’t bode well for you because it shows that you lacked judgment in choosing what to promote to your audience.
Just as the vendor will be looking at your statistics to see if you are worthy of approving to promote their products, you need to shine a spotlight on the vendor to see if their statistics and reputation stack up, too.
Go to the affiliate offers page and you will be able to see the number of sales the vendor has had for the product, the conversion rate, and the refund rate. Ideally, you want to see a product that is getting lots of sales and high conversions of over 20%, with a low refund rate of under 5%.
Warrior Plus also has a public profile for each vendor that you can consider. Look for the vendor’s username and plug it in here where it says USERNAME: www.warriorplus.com/member/USERNAME
On this page, you can see which products the vendor has for sale, how many sales they have had overall and for each of them, the average rating of the product, their overall rating as a vendor, how long they have been a member and whether or not they have been active recently, and how many followers they have.
You will also be able to see if they have any accolades such as being a top vendor or affiliate and whether or not they have had any featured offers. This may not tell you everything you need to know, but it’s additional data that might benefit you in figuring out who to promote.
9: Ask Sellers to Put Together a Private Deal for You
Even if you’re not one of the top affiliates, but you are showing some promising conversions, many vendors will put together a private deal for your subscribers or followers.
This might be something as simple as giving you a coupon code, or it might be a separate private deal of their past products bundled up – or even a brand new launch just for your list.
It all depends on how many sales you’ve been able to generate and whether or not the vendor has time or incentive to put something together for you. At the very least, if you want to secure a deal for your people, and a launch is over, you can approach the vendor and ask for a coupon code that give them the same price it had during the launch discount.
If you have some traction with your sales, you might ask if they can put a few products together for a discounted bundle for you. Usually, they will create a “friends of (your name)” sale so that when your followers land there, the sales page will be all about the deal you’ve secured for them.
As time goes on and you become a formidable affiliate, ask vendors whose products you know will convert highly (and for whom you can bring in a lot of sales) if they’d be willing to create something just for your list.
Some will make something exclusive for you, or at the very least give you advanced promo opportunities before the product goes live to everyone else in the marketplace, so you’ll dominate over other affiliates for commissions.
10: Use Your Stats to Get Perks for Launches
In addition to getting some vendors to put together deals for your list, you can secure other perks as your affiliate stats improve and grow. These are things vendors take notice of and they may or may not approach you with an offer of added benefits if you come onboard.
Usually, in the affiliate recruitment process, they will have an idea of what extras they’re willing to put forth if it seems like you may or may not agree to promote for them. They may offer perks that directly increase your commissions, or allow you to build your list.
First, they might offer a simple bump in your commissions. This is usually on the front end of the offer and it might go from 50 to 65% or even all the way to 100%. If it’s not offered, you can also ask if it’s a possibility.
Second, they might give you a spot on their download page. This is a strategic perk where they let you add a banner or hyperlink to your own landing page, which can be a product or lead magnet offer.
Ideally, you’ll link to your squeeze page to build your list and let the subscriber get an idea of the value you provide by downloading your free gift. Another perk vendors sometimes give is that they create bonuses for you to use.
Bonuses help with conversions and make you look good in the eyes of your subscribers. So if you secure extra goodies for them that increase the value of the offer, they’ll appreciate that.
Scaling your profits as an affiliate requires a combination of making sure you stay attuned to the needs of your followers and scouring the marketplace for the best solutions that will help you earn on-going commissions from a dedicated audience.
Keep your ethics intact as an affiliate and your reputation for providing good guidance will help you level up in no time. Consumers are always looking for someone they can trust, and they will reward it by buying through your links.
What if you are struggling to make any sales at all?
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